They Want Feudalism

Conservatives want you to be a slave. They care only for the wealthy. Period. If they eliminate Medicare and put in place yet another system that funnels money and power to giant corporations, there will be a civil war in this country. Medicare and Social Security are among the few things in this country that don't make me feel completely ashamed to live here. What is so terrifying is the totality of brainwashing that afflicts so many workers in this country. Time and time again they vote, essentially, for their own enslavement. They do so because their brains are filled with fear about idiotic concerns about guns and fetuses and gays and on and on and on. These beliefs - and the votes they produce - are impoverishing their communities, their families and their children. On Tuesday, House...

Morning Constitutional 04/05/11

Special boots are needed for this adventure. It’s going to get very squishy. Things will stick to your toes and leave marks. Marks you will not be proud of. Your feet are very precious. Without them, you’d be a defenseless set of ankles sitting on a bus bench.
These special boots are non-refundable. But they’re worth it, and you can pass them onto your children. They will protect your kids from the thousands of hungry mouths they’ll want to smash each day.


Going through the receipts for the tax lady and turns out I spent $8,000 last year on cupcake icing.
Which is low. Things have really slowed down here.

Nightcap 04/02/11

What wisdom can I leave you with tonight? Recommendations for what type of hot dog condiment goes best with your facial moles? Or a reminder of the value large, leather straps have to bruisers and nuns alike? Perhaps a plea not to stand too close to the walls as we’ve just had them painted to cover the gouge and scratch marks from the family reunion?
Ultimately, I can’t tell you anything. You’ll have to find your own way. You don’t listen to good sense anyhow, which is how you wound up with a room full of broken umbrellas and no man in your life.


[box type="info"] emboldened past participle, past tense of em·bold·en (Verb) 1. Give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a certain way. 2. Cause (a piece of text) to appear in a bold typeface [/box] I love the phrase "emboldened" and it's usage in American political culture. I never hear it in day to day life, though, only in Official Reports on The State of Things. Like, "Sammy's foot resting on a new sewer grate emboldened him to pee down his leg." Or "All this talk of an A-Team marathon emboldened me to eat another batch of Eggos instead of reading to the foster kids." And either of the definitions is great. Emboldened goes well with my other favorite horseshit term, mulling. As in, "I'm seriously mulling violating all rules of decorum and buttering...