Busy day. Spent most of it dealing with a dead horse in the swimming pool. This happens every year. I get the cover off, not a week goes by before I wake up ready to swim only to find a drowned stallion in the deep end. I’ve run out of space behind the garage and the city won’t let you bury anything bigger than a microwave in the front yard so I just have to hope the black birds pick its bones clean before the carcass kills too much of the grass. It’s going to be a n all-day Saturday affair dragging it out of the pool. Which is about how long it took me to get the thing into the pool in the first place.
Not with joy, but literally exploding in their seats, cars, beds and treehouses. A cruel sort of reverse rapture?
Stay tuned for a full investigation.
One would imagine there’d be more holidays like Halloween. Not the costume part, but days where going up to strangers’ doors and demanding a free prize would not be an arrest able offense. The government wouldn’t have to limit it to giving away candy, either. Some days, say in the spring, everyone could give away those little hotel-sized bars of soap. The really dedicated celebrants could make their own bars and even imprint a custom logo into them. Early August would be a good time to walk up to a strange person’s private residence, as an unshaven grown man, and ask for an entirely new wardrobe. Some of the families might offer you a handful of stew but either way you’d walk away a better American. I suppose the reason why the big banks don’t want so...
In the war between Lumberjacks and Deep Sea Divers, I stand with the Lumberjacks.
Photo Courtesy of Sunfrog1
Where do you put your efforts? I put most of mine into the Trapeze. Only place I really feel free is soaring above the screaming crowds, a striped shirt on my breast and a sword in my teeth. I never do anything fancy. No hanging by the toes or closing the eyes. Just simple sitting on the trapeze bar, both hands securely gripping the ropes. Not too fast, not too slow. Just a steady, reasonable rocking back and forth while repeating to myself: "It will be OK, It will be OK."
If people want to pay money to be locked in a room for 8 hours while I do this, so be it. It's the very definition of Free Enterprise.