AS PROMISED: AN INSIDE LOOK AT MY MAIL-ORDER ROAST BEEF SANDWICH COMPANY. Of all my great ideas, this one's the best. By far the most profitable and most pa-leasing to people of all walks and all types. I needed to justify my monthly expense of renting a Medium-Sized Post Office box at my local USPS branch. The postal staff also needed justification for daily extended lobby visits and sometimes naps. AND I LOVE ROAST BEFFED SANDWICHES. The concept is simple, as they say. For a mere $14.95+postage, you can send me your best roast beef sandwich - homemade, store bought or stolen does not matter - and I will rate it and judge it and devour it thusly. I will place food sent to me from a stranger into my stomach and describe in writing how it makes me feel. I will do this in front of people...
Check back later for an explanation of my mail order roast beef sandwich company.
Waking up I noticed that someone had rearranged the sidewalk blocks in front of the house. Their order had been reversed, left end now on the right. A few had been rotated in different directions. But one sidewalk block had been flipped upside down. Completely upside down. Whoever did it neatly replaced the slabs and reset the cement between them. They even returned the green weeds sprouting between sections 3 and 4. They did a terrific job. But I could tell that the slab 6 had been flipped upside down because stuck to the bottom of it, now the top and now exposed to the world and its judging eyes, was the last of the forged autographed portraits of Kermit the Frog I was selling last year. Obviously someone isn't interested in letting me and all of my christian neighbors forget about all...
The Republican Party of 2011 believes in three principal tenets (the rest of their platform is essentially window dressing): 1. They solely and exclusively care about their rich contributors, and have built a whole catechism on the protection and further enrichment of America's plutocracy. Their caterwauling about deficit and debt is so much eyewash, intended to con the booboisie. Whatever else President Obama has accomplished (and many of his purported accomplishments are highly suspect), his $4-trillion deficit reduction package did perform the useful service of smoking out Republican hypocrisy. The GOP could not abide so much as a one-tenth of one percent increase on the tax rates of the Walton family (net worth: $86 billion) or the Koch brothers, much less a repeal of the carried...
Lot of people underestimate our old friend, Mr. Scotch Tape.
Not me. I just go about my business, sitting here, sticking slice after slice of Original Foggy Skinned Scotch tape onto my exposed leg neck skin until an attorney tells me I can stop.