If you don’t eat lemons very often you could easily wind up the owner of 400 acres of southern Illinois bottom land that floods with the slightest drizzle. There’s no structure on it since the local teenagers burned down the pump shed. You will still owe about fifty US dollars in placeholder taxes each year.
You’ll be looked down upon by men in ties for such a foolish acquisition. Especially since it could’ve been avoided by simply eating lemon slices and occasionally taping them to your face during job interviews.
Woodard added the decision is an attack on low-income families, because most of the child care providers are among the working poor. “If they don’t have help getting what they’re due, they’ll be worse off than before.”
A lot of people are going to be devastated, and it’s not fair for the kids. Most people aren’t doing child care for the money. They’re doing it because they love kids.
Snyder’s budget proposal taxes pensions of retirees on fixed incomes, slashes the state’s education system and raises taxes on the working poor by eliminating the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Calm down. Deep breaths. Don’t collapse. Not in front of the others. If they see the tremors it’s over.
Act like none of it affects you.
Your watch is really tight, really tight. God. Might lose the hand. I have to know what time it is. I have to. I spent a lot of money on this thing. The metal might give me a rash. It might-it’s cutting through the skin. It could get into the bloodstream. It’ll go straight to the liver. Got a weak liver. Just like Granddad. God what would he think of me now. This is his lineage? His heir? We can’t all be fighter pilots, Granddad. Heh, heh, heh. Some of us are allergic to clouds.
What? Is there- Is there someone in this closet? WHO IS IN THIS CLOSET!? I’LL REPORT YOU!
Madison, WI: Instead of walking freely through the capitol building, I was subjected to the myriad humiliations of a woman visiting her husband in federal prison. I was forced to empty my pockets of every dime, expose all my belongings to the scrutiny of a line of officers, even take off my coat so that I could be security-wanded by an officer. I could not walk through the building unless I was accompanied by both a staffer and a police officer, every single step of the way to my representative’s office. I was told that I would not be allowed to use the restroom without a police officer in attendence. I had to pass inspection before at least 30 officers, lined up both outside and inside the King Street entrance. SOURCE These measures put in place by the same Conservatives who...
The Mountains.
They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be dealt with. They are unstoppable! They can slither under doors and operate heavy machinery! It’s too late for diplomacy! They’ll destroy all of us! They’re snakes! These are not happy people! They have no soul and no mercy! Run!