In the history of Spectacular Car Jumps none has matched the sheer power of Randall Williams’ 1988 Ohio County Triple Jump. Surviving spectators are few and those who will openly speak of it are rarer still, but from published accounts and depositions we can piece together this important piece of American Daredeviltry. It should be noted that Mr. Williams was legally blind at the time of the jump and had a revoked license in neighboring counties…and was part snake. But he had no fear, as well as a large number of outstanding debts at local Carpet wholesalers. Until that time the law had only sanctioned jumping over two groupings of the elderly or one numbered collection of unwed pregnant women at a time. No one had possessed the audacity to attempt both in a single jump. Then...
No matter what I do, whenever I close my eyes and picture victory, I see this guy.
Lot of exciting changes to the User Experience here at Human Dog. Chief among them is our latest addition, Forced Reptile Ownership. Each visitor to has his or her IP address logged and tracked making it easy for us to send them a bucket full of snakes. Real, live, god-hating snakes. We choose the color. Pressing go in your browser’s address bar constitutes an Acceptance of Terms of Service which include an until-now unused clause requiring your ownership, care and feeding of any and all reptiles measuring less than 5 meters long we send in a washed out kitty litter bucket for the lifespan of said reptiles. And due to a gypsy’s curse, our headquarters is riddled with snakes. It’s Impossible to sleep with any confidence around here. But that all changes as...
In Benton Harbor, financial manager Joseph Harris’s order means city officials can only call meetings to order, adjourn them and approve minutes of meetings. All other decision–making powers rest with Harris. As Michigan AFL-CIO President Mark Gaffney says: With the stripping of all power of duly elected officials in Benton Harbor and the attack on Detroit school teachers, we can now see the true nature of the Emergency Manager system. This is a real life instance of taking away our fundamental rights… These new powers are taking away the will and voice of the people by stripping away the rights of public officials elected by Michiganders. Gaffney said that emergency managers can exploiting the current crisis situation, creating a ”true case of political over-reach, and will simply add to...
Collecting errant skin flakes in envelopes and labeling them by the hour and location when and where they were shed isn’t enough anymore. You’ve got to get those skin flakes on twitter!