Morning Constitutional 02/20/11

Gray morning here on President’s Day Eve. Subdued excitement, but thrilling never the less. Children everywhere won’t get much sleep tonight as they await the arrival of the ghost of George Washington. If the children have been good, he’ll give the boys a pet reptile and give the girls a handful of individual serving butter packets as you’d find at better restaurants.
Then it’s a full day spent indoors, in silence, with no TV or Gameboys. Tuesday morning, back at school, everyone writes an essay about their experience.
And for our Coptic friends it’s still a three week wait til Orthodox President’s Day and all the candied fish they can stomach. Sorry.


The Tweet button in the lower left corner featuring the little chicken on it should now work as expected.
Going to add that to the resumé now.


To all of my conservative working class friends, wake up. Conservative ideas are about one thing: Making you a slave so that they can be kings. Period. Nothing more.
It’s not about patriotism or smaller government or abortion or christianity or guns or anything else. It’s about Power Over You. They will crush you into the earth if it will gain them more power. Wake up from your brainwashing and join your fellow workers in fighting for your rights to be free, to be fairly compensated for your work and for control over your own destiny. Enough goddamn bullshit.