IT’S CALLED THE ESTABLISHMENT From the beginning of the Wisconsin situation one thing that’s been clear from almost all the national media is that it’s a tough spot for the public employees unions because the public at large doesn’t like unions. Especially public employees unions. Only now there are a string of polls out — particularly yesterday’s Gallup poll — which show that that’s simply not true. The nation at large overwhelmingly opposes banning collective bargaining rights for public employees (61% – 33%). That’s not just to say that they’re against restricting the rights of organized labor, but public sector unions in particular. What’s popular and what’s not isn’t the be all and end all of political reporting...

Nightcap 02/22/11

Most people don’t realize it yet but this country is in the beginning of an open civil war/revolution. It’s a bringing out into the open the conflict of class war that’s been waged silently over the last thirty years. It won’t be like other sustained wars. It will be hit and miss, here and there. Ebbs and flows. Right now is a swell. Tomorrow could be a lull.
It’s a horrible thing. All you can do is devote yourself to peaceful defiance.
This is what happens when the ruling class goes completely insane. It’s the end of the Roman Empire.

We’re Going it Alone

I want to be proven wrong on Obama. I have little hope. No one gets that far in America without being compromised and empty. The system is the problem. Two weeks ago, Obama wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal promising to reduce “burdensome” regulations for his friends in big finance. He figured that the trillions they’d already been given wasn’t quite enough to keep them happy, so he decided he’d find more rules that he could eliminate. Then he slithered over to the Chamber of Commerce to assure them that he’d do whatever he could to “change the tone” at the White House to help them increase profitability. Just days later, Obama delivered an entirely different message to striking Wisconsin teachers. He told them that everyone would...

Nightcap 02/21/11

Where is the V man now? He is out looking for the thrill. The feeling of worth and value each man gets when he has wrestled with eight-legged reptile men from the center of Iowa and walked away a wiser man.
Perhaps he will find the thrill biting trees in half. Perhaps he’ll find it deep within the dark, stinking earth down where the rabbits have no eyes and they don’t want any either.
Perhaps right now, even as I type this, our good friend V is turning into a man made of gold, capable of unspeakable acts and possessing a sharper sense of justice than any of us deserve.
Godspeed, Mr. V, Godspeed.