Very simple. Naturally, it’s forbidden thought. The solution to these many problems – from the budget deficit to crumbling infrastructure, from mass joblessness to income inequality, from environmental degradation to educational shortfalls — is to raise taxes on the rich and to use that money to get the United States back on track and advancing toward the future. And there are clear justifications for doing so, from practicality to fairness. Though many multi-millionaires fancy themselves self-made men (and women), the truth is that they all have profited from investments that American taxpayers have made over the decades, and even centuries. For instance, President Dwight Eisenhower’s inter-state highway system enabled companies to move their goods more cheaply; President...


For far too long the Democratic Party leadership has supported policies that have screwed blue-collar Midwesterners as much as any Republican policies have — after all, remember that the repeal of Glass-Stegal got more than 90 votes in the U.S. Senate and was signed into law by a Democratic president. Instead of constantly asking ourselves, “What’s the matter with these silly Midwesterners?” we should probably be asking, “Why the hell isn’t our supposed center-left party looking out for all workers’ interests?”

Nightcap 02/24/11

Today we learned the horrible news that the fifth and final playground in town had been burned to the ground. No one saw anything. It being winter, children are afraid to go near playgrounds for fear of disillusionment. They always want to believe the playground is a happy, fun place rather than the pile of cold metal, leftover wood parts and obscene plastic animal heads it is.
So we can’t blame them.
And it being the very depths of economic depression no one can afford to rebuild any of them. The rubble can’t even be cleared. So now residents show up dropping off their awkward, hard to classify garbage items. The lots are filling up with broken tropical fish tanks and waffle makers.


“If American workers are being denied their right to organize when I’m in the White House, I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes and I will walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States.”
— Barack Obama, quoted by Slate, while making a campaign speech in 2007.