Morning Constitutional 04/15/11

Those little, dry, watercolor paint discs? Before you add water? They sure do look like candy tablets, don't they? The green one probably tastes like sour apple. And the brown one like submarine.

Everyone's in the other room on speaker phone? Quick eat one! Quick! Don't chew!

Now sit down and look at the floor.

If all goes well, you'll be peeing rainbows by noon.


"In Wisconsin, we are doing something truly progressive," Walker said in his opening remarks. "In addition to holding the line on spending and finding efficiencies in state government, we are implementing long term budget reforms focused on protecting middle class jobs and middle class taxpayers."


Walker's Anti-Union Policies do the exact opposite. Attacking Unions destroys middle class jobs and turns middle class taxpayers into lower class slaves.

Endless bullshit in the land of Conservative Neo-Feudal Doctrine.