Author - Chris Weagel

Chris Weagel writes about the intersection of technology and parenting for Wired Magazine. No he doesn't. He can't stand that shit.

The great slowdown

One is never aware of their own mental collapse. Although appearing sharply to the outside, it creeps in, drips in really, under the door, into the mind of the afflicted over years. Decades even.
You don’t notice you’ve been wearing the same beige pants for 16 consecutive weeks. The TV dinners all have the same names, but the food keeps switching compartments. You’re certain your teeth each have names, but what are they?
One day you wake up and realize you’re very close to the center of the insanity, with the shovel in your hand and the dirt piled up to the sky and you find it odd that you haven’t even broken a sweat.


It’s a quiet night in the last great state this nation will ever birth: Arkansas.
The roughhousing down at Hook and Ladder Co. 18 has settled a bit as most of the boys have been firmly tied to the underside of their bunks or just plain thrown from second story windows.
Mayor Pike is with his dogs now, which calms him and let’s him focus on what’s real.
The rocketship ride out back hasn’t worked right since 87.
This is certainly no time for your fussin’. We have a national image to uphold.

Always comes in threes

A man finds a cane.
His impact is now felt three states away.
The cane sleeps in a place of honor, right near the broken clocks.

Simple Explanation

We keep the Canadian coins in a jar on the floor.
Well removed from the rest of the American Nickels.
Why? Hygiene, but that’s a given.
More importantly, we keep things separate to prevent mouth injuries.
You never want a mouth injury, but you especially don’t want one during this cold.