Author - Chris Weagel

Chris Weagel writes about the intersection of technology and parenting for Wired Magazine. No he doesn't. He can't stand that shit.

Morning Constitutional 03/17/11

Slice cucumbers into medallions. Arrange carrot strings on the face of each, depicting current time from the world's population centers. For extra credit, use one slice to depict local time from Antarctica and another for the final resting place of the ship wreck Titanic.

Lay these out around the edge of a dinner plate. In the center, build a pile of cherry tomatoes crowned by a radish rose. Step back and admire your work. You've learned a fun and nutritious way to distract yourself from the certainty of death.

Nightcap 03/16/11

"Physicists discovered in the early 2000s, much to their surprise, that there are at least 10⁵⁰⁰ Calabi-Yau manifolds out there."

Each one with a grudge and a girl back home.


Why where the protesters against imaginary death panels, who carried loaded weapons, treated by the media as upstanding citizens who deserved to be heard. While the people using signs and words to protest a massive increase in the power of the government to void contracts and decrease the power of people to negotiate contracts are referred to as wild-eyed haters who strike fear into the hearts of reporters.

Serious. Carry a gun to protest a debate, and you're just a freedom loving citizen. Carry a sign to protest the governer voiding contracts, and threatening to call out the National Guard and you are a greedy wild-eyed hater.


Where was all this zeal for voiding contracts last year when bailed-out financial firms were handing out monster bonuses to their executives?



The winter squash has arrived and it's mad. It's in a fury. There's no escape. Turn off the TV, pick up the chips. We've been laying here doing nothing for the last three days and now there's hell to pay. The squash is tired and up to its ass in home work and we're just sitting here doing nothing but dragging it down.

We're in for it now, that's for sure. Quietly eject the Tom Sawyer tape and don't rewind it. We'll start it up from that spot later. Right when Tom goes into the cave. Just don't let the squash see it.



Tomorrow a large rally to protest the policies of unpopular Michigan Governor Rick Synder will take place in Lansing. There was a protest held there earlier today attended by more than 1,000 pissed-off senior citizens whose pensions Gov. Snyder wants to tax. That was just the orchestra tuning up. Snyder’s outlandish budget proposal would give even a goon like Scott Walker pause. Synder’s plan would raise taxes on the working class by 31% while cutting taxes for corporations by 86%