There’s a lot of truth in what you’re about to read. I’ve only got one wheel barrel. One. And right now, instead of being available and ready for use, it is sitting in the front yard, filled with four inches of gray-brown muck water. Floating in this mess is an extremely detailed diorama depicting one if the lesser-known, but crucial, naval battles of the civil war, The Battle of Central Indiana (see Ken Burns, tapes 7 & 8). Little ships, little armaments, little canons and little tents for the little wounded. Who are all insects by the way. Dead, pinned up little bugs. Most of them are mill bugs and soap worms, nothing exciting. No praying mantis or caterpillar. They cheaped out on the bugs. Spent big money on their costumes, each custom tailored for multiple legs...
Author - Chris Weagel
Chris Weagel writes about the intersection of technology and parenting for Wired Magazine. No he doesn't. He can't stand that shit.
... Cookie Monster has eaten a telephone.
OB(S)AMA from wreckandsalvage on Vimeo.
The roller skates have no key. The yellow tub is bleeding. The crayons have all lined up for more.Somewhere an asparagus cries. That most hated of vegetable. It’s time for the toasters to earn their keep. And they must do so right in front of everyone.
Save it or spend it, that’s what I know to be true.
In preparation of our annual conference in June this is the OFFICIAL CALL FOR PAPERS ON TRAP DOORS and TRAP DOOROLOGY. Presenters will be given a maximum of 90 minutes and up to three queen-sized mattresses for demonstration purposes.
Thank You.