Archive - July 2012

Nightcap 07/19/12

Make careful use of your qualifying asterisks. They mustn't be libelous or inaccurate, nor should they lead to a string of number talk. They must speak in human words. The machines will never know romance.
If nothing else, point your asterisks to the answers to last week's puzzle or a smaller, upside down copy of the completed maze. Never walk alone.

Nightcap 07/18/12

His magazines were gone. He had organized those magazines. Kept them clean. Every issue. Paid full price. Paid cover price. Paid it with pride.
He was thrown into a rage. There would be no rest that night.

Nightcap 07/13/12

What our beloved little town does best is remind you, over and over, that you have no choice but to take it.
We're so proud we put it on the sweatshirts.

Nightcap 07/12/12

Video and film and art must be shiny. It must be a finely rounded piece of glass. With blood spatters and muzzle flash and plenty of flare. Lens flare glinting off just so as it gently swoops and pans – never really resting – like your entire world exists in a goddamn auto show. And make it real deep and dramatic and never have anyone look directly at you. Always askance. Because of the shame and burden they bear. And none of it better be in focus. None at all just the tiniest of slivers of shiny metal laser swords and real guns are ever sharp and only in narrowly-related muted colors that are tumblr-approved. But still shiny as though it's trapped forever in a blister of amber with a soft light just off to the upper left. Make it look like a cough drop and give it a...

Nightcap 07/11/12

Loose Rock Roofs. We never know where obsession comes from. Shoveling and Raking and Hosing down one’s roof. Often. In all seasons, all weather. Certain obsessions can bring you closer to your community. Others drive you away. You can sit in a lawn chair on the roof and always have something to throw at enemies. You’ll be throwing your roof. Which is composed of thousands of small, fill rocks. These are what you will throw at people. And, if you hold a pile of them in both hands in front of your face, what you will hide behind when they come after you. Obsessions like photography will likely get you blinded by god. Obsessions with inappropriate roofing material will lower your property value. On breezy summer nights, you can close your eyes and pretend you’re living...

Nightcap 07/08/12

I cannot shake this feeling there are things I am not being told by the Ice Cream Man Association. They smile. They look me in the eye. They’re forthcoming with documentation and records. And yet… If they just let me look inside their trucks. Just let me sit behind the wheel for a moment. Let me try on one of their hats. I’m never allowed to photograph pricing information. I’ve never been comfortable with that. And why can’t I find an Ice Cream man that will give me anything beyond an initial for a last name? Those scandals where they were caught letting teams of highly coordinated sparrows pilot their trucks were decades ago. The public knows each vehicle is now manned by a licensed human driver. Why does the Association insist I feel their trucks’...

Nightcap 07/07/12

Four years ago, Books On Tape World closed its doors for the last time. Since then, the location has been used to warehouse old washing machines, it’s been a Hot Sauce shop, housed a card table holding a single snake in an old aquarium with a cardboard sign in the window that read “Solutions” and, most recently, been home to a coupon-clipping operation that was busted by the Authors’ Guild as a front for a longhand book-copying scheme with rumored connections to Google’s digital library project.
I keep track of these things in a little notebook. It has a sailboat sticker on the cover.