It has been brought to my attention that recent posts to this blog have contained numerous typographical errors. These errors have gone beyond simple misspellings, lurching into incorrect word choice, abusive capitalization and unnatural punctuation.
While I make no apologies for any misunderstandings these errors may have borne in some readers’ minds, I do regret the disappointment I encountered this past weekend when approximately 90 people showed up in my driveway expecting to take advantage of a discounted roast beef buffet dinner and carwash.
The specific post – which many had printed out and were pointing to as a legitimate coupon – was actually intended as a full report on the status of coloring book subject matter in this double-dip recession. The presence of so many cartoon hobo squirrels in said post should have been enough to prevent any misunderstanding, but, alas, we cannot account for all interpretations.
As such, we shall not be offering any refunds/rain checks.
On the other hand, we do apologize in full for the approximately forty-seven hundred “At” signs mistakenly accompanying this post.
If you’re bored, try to convince someone that it is worth while to count how many @ symbols there are.