The Hamlins claimed efficacy for Wizard Oil on not only human beings but also horses and cattle, one poster displaying an elephant drinking the stuff by lifting the bottle with the trunk. Bottles came in 35¢ and 75¢ sizes. Do not think of Wizard Oil as simply a good liniment, it is this and very, very much more. It is an internal remedy of the greatest possible value. Its composition is of such a nature that it is equally as good for internal use as for external use. It cures Stomach and Bowel Troubles, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Cramps, Indegestion, etc. Pains in all forms are banished by it. READ MORE ABOUT THIS MIRACLE DRUG ONLINE!

The Hamlins claimed efficacy for Wizard Oil on not only human beings but also horses and cattle, one poster displaying an elephant drinking the stuff by lifting the bottle with the trunk. Bottles came in 35¢ and 75¢ sizes.

Do not think of Wizard Oil as simply a good liniment, it is this and very, very much more. It is an internal remedy of the greatest possible value. Its composition is of such a nature that it is equally as good for internal use as for external use. It cures Stomach and Bowel Troubles, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Cramps, Indegestion, etc. Pains in all forms are banished by it.


Chris Weagel

Chris Weagel writes about the intersection of technology and parenting for Wired Magazine. No he doesn't. He can't stand that shit.

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