Disaster. Three tornadoes converged in our county last night in a freak, although not-unexpected, early spring storm.
Amongst the casualties was Big John’s 33-Hole Miniature Golf park and Bumper Boat-a-rama. Seen in the photo, an uprooted tree has completely disabled holes 14 and 16. And the yellow, stone Aztec warrior, “Abe,” who stands guard at hole 21 has dislodged from his concrete base and is pitched dangerously to one side.
Also damaged were a series of clown-headed garbage barrels near the clubhouse.
The destruction was severe enough that half of the park will remain closed until at least August which leaves St Clair Shores without a fully-functioning Miniature Golf Park for the first time since 1993. Cross town’s Golf Star park has been without running water and fresh clubs for the last four weeks due to a foreclosure dispute and Putt-Putt Town remains enclosed in an enormous, impenetrable blue force field despite the efforts of our best scientists.
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