If only we all were as courageous.

Originally posted to Human Dog in 2003.
Written & Directed by: Michael Schwartz

Chris Weagel

Chris Weagel writes about the intersection of technology and parenting for Wired Magazine. No he doesn't. He can't stand that shit.

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  • the hallucination in the bathroom was beautiful. I went through a similar addiction, though I would turn down the volume and listen to early U2 albums while I played. My brother was also hooked. We shared a room and used to talk about how we would see those tetris shapes right before we went to sleep, imagining the perfect tetris game. It’s an amazing game. When you get the fever like Dale had, there is only one cure…

  • Why doesn’t Schwarz shoot new episodes instead of re-posting the old ones? Why doesn’t Dale contemplate joining Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade?