Another black mark on the Southeast Michigan carnival community. Pictured here are local firemen rescuing trapped passengers from a deadlocked ferris wheel at this past weekend’s St Clair Shores Fish Fly n Fry Festival. 19 Festival goers – including 19 severely blind children – were trapped in their carts on the Flamingo Daze Ferris Wheel for over 4 hours on sunday as the mechanism that drives the ride locked up. Ride operators were unable to restart the ride nor were they able to determine the cause of the malfunction. Witnesses said that after “trying their best” for at least “a half an hour” the carnival employees left the ferris wheel and headed to the lemonade stand for an “extended napping session” with their “feets soaking in the lemonade tubs.”
Firemen safely retrieved all of the stranded passengers including the town Mayor who was discovered to be a 9 year-old girl, nicknamed TiffDog.
The carnival has been shut down, the owners sued and the rides and equipment confiscated by the office of the county executive. Residents have been advised not to enjoy themselves for the remainder of the summer.
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