Summer heat has driven the Great Lakes' mightiest mammals inland to escape the boiling surface water. I'm talking Lake Bears and Water Skinks. Being mammals, they must come up for air every so often. That means passing through the top thirty feet of clear water that, due to temperatures, could boil most pastas in under thirty minutes. Oh it's true. And horrible for property values. The Lake Bears are especially dangerous. Not so much when they're on land. They mostly just lay about drinking sap and eating whatever you throw onto the compost heap. No, what's really treacherous is their arrival. Wanting to spend as little time passing through the boiling zone as possible, the Lake Bears use their hind fins to gather speed in the dark, bleak lake depths, shooting out of the water like...
Author - Chris Weagel
Chris Weagel writes about the intersection of technology and parenting for Wired Magazine. No he doesn't. He can't stand that shit.
Isn't it about time this nation's Kitty-Cats got the vote?
Growing up I never feared Indian River. Now that I’m older, and know the history, the stories about it turning to fire and making beautiful women ugly simply because it could…
I respect it. And will paint it. One painting of the Indian River for every year I have left on earth.
This is what it's like in St Clair Shores.
On display at the Town Library for the next 40 years.
The citizens are restless. Their brains are filled with anxiety they cannot tame. They don't know where it's coming from nor when it will leave. Some suspect it grows out of the uncertainty of Economic Depression. Others fear widespread revolt of the animal kingdom for humanity's crimes against them.
The populace is reacting in unexpected ways. Each night, during my patrol, I see another house with it's furniture piled high atop its roof. The family languishing inside, dazed, unsure of where to sit or where to place their cereal bowls. The piles of furniture are a protest. But how? And in what way? And against who?
They do not know.
Ten years ago I started posting videos of fat men here on Human Dog. That was followed by a Captain who never left dry land. And then some home movies and some adventures with Sara and her cats. Later the emphasis shifted to improving our science scores. That involved lots of yelling. That led to an in depth investigation into the rotting belch of the American character that was abruptly cut off like a mechanical kidney on a Sunday evening.
Today I spend my time helping the elderly and infirm tear pieces of paper into little strips and then place them in their mouths for extended periods of time. For this, I’m called a Patriot.
I just call it lucky.
The only way back toward sustained growth and prosperity in the United States is to remake the basic bargain linking pay to productivity. This would give the American middle class the purchasing power they need to keep the economy going.
Part of the answer is, as in Germany, stronger labor unions — unions strong enough to demand a fair share of the gains from productivity growth.
The current Republican assault on workers’ rights continues a thirty-year war on American workers’ wages. That long-term war has finally taken its toll on the American economy.
It’s time to fight back.